Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Pretty Good Day!!!

I won two $11 SNG's yesterday and managed to not lose too much in cash games so I ended the day with a nice $31 profit. I played in two $11 MTT and didn't cash in either one though I went deep in one. The only time I was really disappointed was when my AK got sucked out on by AJ all in for $12 in a .25 NL game. There was an A on the flop and the unfortunate river was a J. Oh well, it has happened before and it will happen again i'm sure.

I've stuck to the low limits and played a little more selectively the last couple of weeks and it has worked out pretty well.

I read Chis Fargis' blog http://www.twentyoneoutstwice.blogspot.com/ and it appears he is returning to the workforce full time soon. Good luck Chris. I'm so glad I don't have to depend on poker for my living.

The dissertation is moving along, albeit at a slow pace. Having to configure 150+ tables isn't easy.

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