Friday, September 22, 2006

The Roll Continues...

I've been fearing the downturn lately, but it didn't come yesterday. The pokerroom BR stands at $400. I know, I know. That's $151 less that yesterday, but that doesn't include the $240 cashout. Nor does it include the $175 bonus that I am about to clear. I only have 31 points left. I will clear that today for sure.

I played pretty well and I'm getting a better feel for the game I think. I made two big laydowns yesterday that I might not have made previously. One was JJ and the other was KQ on a scary board. I also made one really donk play that cost me about $20. I called a big raise with a only a pair of nines on a nine high board (I had 10-9) and the guy flipped up trip 5's. I should've known better.

I am certainly on a roll, for me at least.

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