Monday, May 08, 2006

A Pretty Good Weekend!!

I played for a while this weekend and did pretty well. I finished second in a $50+4 SNG for a smooth $150 and I won a $22 SNG for $100. I also played for short sessions of either .50 or .25 NL and I made a profit in all four. I won a $8 qualifier SNG to get me in the previously mentioned $50+4 SNG and last night I capped it off by winning a $5 qualifier to a $33 tournament I started the weekend with a little less than $300 in my account and ended it with a little more than $500. All in all, I'll take it. I played several other qualifier SNG's but didn't win any. I finished second a couple of times and out of the money in the rest.

As it currently stands, I have a ticket for a $7+1 qualifier and a ticket to a $30+3 tournament. I'll probably use both 2 night and let you know tomorrow how it went.

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